Stories & Reflections
By Paulo Coelho
Man needs to choose, not just accept his destiny.
(The Fifth Mountain)
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What type of music do you listen to – classical, jazz, rock… Does your mood or feelings influence on what you want to listen to at any given moment?
Any music at any time. I am a music freak.
By Paulo Coelho
Profound commitment to a dream does not confine or constrain: it liberates. Even a difficult, winding path can lead to your goal if you follow to the end.
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A favorite record, playing the radio – do these elements accompany your work? Or do you need complete silent?
Music is so powerful that I cannot write listening to anything else but the noise of my fingers in the keyboard of the computer. If I listen to music, I will be away from my desk, taken into the universe of notes and compasses.
By Paulo Coelho
That is what infatuation is: the creation of an image of someone, without advising that someone as to what the image is… But it was different from love. Love was worth everything, and couldn’t be exchanged for anything.
(The Valkyries)
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Do you remember your favorite childhood books?
The Brazilian Monteiro Lobato, Malba Tahan, Andersen.
By Paulo Coelho
God is in the words, and the devil as well.
(The Valkyries)
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By Paulo Coelho
What are the three conditions for conversing with one’s angel? “Break a pact. Accept forgiveness. And make a bet.” And, in addition to those three things, courage is needed. A woman’s courage, not a man’s.
(The Valkyries)
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Which one and which event was the most beautiful, the most important moment?
The present moment.
By Paulo Coelho
Angels are love in motion. They never rest, they struggle to grow, and they are beyond good and evil. Love that consumes all, that destroys all, that forgives all. Angels are made of that love, and are at the same time its messengers.
(The Valkyries)
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By Paulo Coelho
Abbot Joí£o Pequeno thought: ‘I’m tired of being a mere man, I should be like the angels who do nothing but contemplate the glory of God.’ That night, he left the monastery of Sceta and set off into the desert.
A week later, he came back to the monastery. Brother Gatekeeper heard him knocking and asked who it was.
‘It’s Abbot Joí£o,’ he replied. ‘I’m hungry.’
‘That’s not possible,’ said Brother Gatekeeper. ‘Abbot Joí£o is in the desert, transforming himself into an angel. He no longer feels hunger and has no need to work for his food.’
‘Forgive my arrogance,’ replied Abbot Joí£o. ‘The angels help humanity, that is their job; that is why they do not need to eat, but merely to contemplate. But I am a man, and the only way in which I can contemplate that same glory is by doing what the angels do and help my fellow human beings. Fasting won’t get me anywhere.’
Hearing this humble explanation, Brother Gatekeeper opened the gate of the monastery.
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If you look back on your life and career: Which moment was the most terrifying or worst in your life?
The day that I was kidnapped by the paramilitaries, and the days spent in jail, back in 1974.
In Brida, a book of mine that will be published in various countries (from March onwards), the main male character, the Magus of Folk, has to pay a price for having used magic to conquer the woman he loved. Many times we see people praying to God asking for a certain person to approach them. Do you think that involving God and the spiritual realm in our romantic searches a fair thing to do?
A gift from Marcia Nascimento
Read the new issues from “Warrior of the Light Online” :
Edition no 166 : The accommodating point
Edií§í£o no 166 : O ponto acomodador
Edición no 166 : El punto acomodador
Édition no 166 : Le point d’accommodation
Edizione no 166 : Il punto di accomodamento
By Paulo Coelho
And each man kills the thing he loves,
By all let this be heard,
Some do it with a bitter look,
Some with a flattering word,
The coward does it with a kiss,
The brave man with a sword.
(The Valkyries)
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