Paulo Coelho

Stories & Reflections

Comments on “Not in my country”

Author: Paulo Coelho

Read the original article of Mail Online here

Blair’s appointment will lower Brazil’s reputation in the eyes of the world. He has no standing in his own country, he failed as a negotiator in the Middle East, he lost his job because of the Iraq War and he has the blood of English soldiers on his hands.
My sentiments exactly.
– hadenough, UK, 3/2/2010 0:52
As a Brazilian I will more than welcome Mr. Blair’s trip to Rio. A young politician that took great risks and at the end got real results. Yet, I never understood Mr. Coelho, perhaps the French can figure him out better, for he writes and speaks like the silly and boring Petite Prince.
– munir Helayel, Yonkers, NY, 3/2/2010 4:53
A very enlightening article, thank you Paul and Tom! There are people in this world, that are motivated by love. Those who sincerely care about life, how precious it is, and about all of the little children trying to grow up. Paulo is one of them. He is expressing his opinion, and I understand how he feels! Sporting events unify; bring people together.
Now, shall Mr Coelho honor Mr Blair, for a war waged that was totally unnecessary?
Thank you, Love, Jane
– Jane Stewart, Las Vegas, NV, 3/2/2010 4:53
– antipolitician, Eastbourne, UK, 3/2/2010 6:31
Mr. Paulo Coelho,
Thank you for your comments. I actually thought I was going mad when I first heard of this.
To make this very clear, Olympics and all that are entailed in them are phenominally complicated. Rio does not need these events played out or their memories tarnished by having a ‘War Criminal’ promote them.
– Anon, London, 3/2/2010 7:27
Well said Mr Coelho, Why people pay large sums to hear this man spout lie’s and rubbish is way beyond me. He has never said anything that has done any good for this country ! I keep reading war crime charges may be pending….but WHEN ?
– Glad 2B Gone, Philippines, 3/2/2010 7:38
Why the hell is he being employed and paid.
He has no relevant knowledge so it has to be another “job for the boys”
I wish he and his partner would just go away.
– Mike, Sydney Australia, 3/2/2010 8:42
Put this specimen on trial for war crimes!
– Bri&Mel (ex pats, uk tax payers), South West France, 3/2/2010 8:49
At last someone who speaks the truth. But will enough people listen? He ought not to be able to cash in on his notoriety. He has no other attributes. I would not trust him to recommend a brand of tea bags.
– linda, hertfordshire, 3/2/2010 9:04
Madonna’s favorite auther? Do we really need to know that? Bonkers. Who cares?
– dunitburger, Coventry UK, 3/2/2010 9:21
Seems that the more you decieve and lie the more rewarded you will become.
– rodney, swiss cottage, 3/2/2010 9:31
You can fool all of the people all of the time. Especially the ones that vote labour.
– dennis shambley, wigan England, 3/2/2010 9:37
Well Done Sir!!!!
Somene from outside the UK believes what Bliar did was illegal.
– DS, Hamburg, 3/2/2010 9:51
I agree with the Brazilians, drop him.
– Terry McCarthy, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 3/2/2010 9:53
(The Brazilian politicians so far are silent, Terry – Paulo Coelho)
What a leech,it must be a big payout he would not have done it for nought.
– Murray, Christchurch New Zealand, 3/2/2010 10:09
Bravo Coelho! Keep Blair away from everyone in Palestine, in Britain and in Brazil. He is a toxic asset.
– Professor Robin Meakins, ashford, kent, 3/2/2010 10:11
Well done Paulo for speaking out! If we get more people branding bliar as a war criminal then may maybe we can get him on trial!
– chu, glos, uk, 3/2/2010 10:17
It never fails to astonish me that presumably sane and rational people will pay ridiculous amounts to listen to the self serving remarks this charlatan spouts.
I cannot as a british citizen recall any memorable speeches made by Teflon Tony in ten years, they were all delivered in that irritating “trust me guys” style that screamed LIAR!
– doofus, Newbury uk, 3/2/2010 10:20
its where all war criminals go to hide. its funny, of all the people that attended the chilcot inquriy, only one used the back door,guess who.
– vincent barrett, spain, 3/2/2010 10:42
I don’t hear anyone referring to Blair’s partner in crime, George W.Bush as a war criminal and asking that he be brought to justice. Why is that? George Bush is the biggest war criminal responsible for the deaths of thousands of Iraqis, Afghans, Brits, Americans etc.
– Treasured, FL USA, 3/2/2010 10:58
(He was not invited to be a consultant, Treasured – Paulo Coelho)
I’m with Team Coelho all the way!
Blair is a war criminal with the blood of tens of thousands of innocent Iraquis, Afgans & british soldiers collectively on his hands. Some time in the future a visit to The Hague on charges is going to happen.
– SirMikeThe Right, Bromsgrove, England, 3/2/2010 11:03
Well we don’t want him in Cyprus and he has to go somewhere.
South America sounds good to me.
– toto kubwa, Cyprus, 3/2/2010 11:11
So now Tony Blair is an expert on the Olympic Games! Things must be pretty desperate here in Brazil if a local governor is actually willing to pay the man as a so-called ‘advisor’. It just shows what the Games are really all about = power and money.
– alex, brazil, 3/2/2010 11:16
He would sell his own parents to got to an orphans party.
– Mac McKenna, Hannover Germany, 3/2/2010 11:38
As a brazilian living in England I would like to agree with Mr. Coelho…….OUT OF MY COUNTRY MR. BLAIR!! NOT IN BRAZIL, you are not welcome.
– Paula, North Yorkshire, 3/2/2010 11:44
What does Bliar know about organising the Olympics exactly?
– michael, newbury, berks., 3/2/2010 11:54
What does Blair know about organising an Olympic Games ? Nothing as far as I can estimate. There are far more well qualified people in the world who have actually spent years organising their own Olympic Games from the first piece of paper destined for the protracted bid and all the way through to sweeping up the mess when it its all over.
In any case, perhaps Mr Blair will be too busy on his defence in The Hague for him to jet into Rio.
– John Whetton, Nottingham UK, 3/2/2010 12:00
Well done Mr Coelho on speeking out against tony Blair… I hope it does some good, i feell sick of these people who (payed by us) use their power and position to hoard and steal from the public at large, they lie and cheat and to make themselves above the law!! When will we have so called leaders we can be proud of! I’m ashamed of what this man has done in the name of our country and I’m sure I’m not the only one.
– graig, cornwall, 3/2/2010 12:05
Blair is fast becoming an ”International Pariah”! and will be welcome nowhere except The Hague!!!
– Jeff Richardson, Ex Pat and Taxpayer – France, 3/2/2010 12:19
I am ashamed of Brazil for doing this but proud that Paulo has voiced his opinion with such passion!
If Rio want ‘advice’ on how to lie, canive and cowtail to the USA, he’s the man for that!!!!
– Stu, Asia Pacific, 3/2/2010 12:21
I think its appropriate that he ends up in Brasil, after all many of Hitlers cronies ended up there as well.
– stuart, chesterfield,derbyshire, 3/2/2010 12:36
I can’t understand how Tony Blair (or Tony B-liar as Paulo Coelho is calling him on his blog) can make so much money. In Brazil when an important politician is out of the post there are legal obstacles to prevent them from sharing crucial information with the private sector (government strategies with banks, for example). It strikes me as odd that Blair, John Major and others can make the transition so easily to JP Morgan and the Carlyle Group amongst others and be so highly payed to “consult”.
– Vanessa M, Cambridge, 3/2/2010 12:39
And no one in the UK has the balls to say this? I agree 100% Blair is as shifty as they come, and nice that he deosnt want to pay his tax fairly and squarely, hiding behind ltd companies and trsust. Some left winger he is. Add fraudster to his many titles.
– jason Piers, london Uk, 3/2/2010 13:12
This charlatan (Blair, not Coelho) makes me feel physically sick, and ashamed to share a nationality with him.
– VB, Harrogate, 3/2/2010 13:28
I am a fan of Brazilian football. Now I am very very mad of the appointment. Why the hell have the Brazilian to reward the war criminal ? Paulo you are a righteous man, please use your influence and voice louder to oppose the appointment. Millions of people are behind you.
– Ms D.Lee, Hong Kong, 3/2/2010 13:37

Read the original article of Mail Online here

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