Paulo Coelho

Stories & Reflections

EM PORTUGUES AQUI > O mundo é um espelho

Illustration by Ken Crane

Cain and Abel came to the banks of an enormous lake. They had never seen anything like it.

“There’s something inside it,” said Abel, looking into the water, not knowing that it was his reflection.

Cain noticed the same thing, and raised his staff. The image did the same thing. Cain stood waiting for the blow; his image did the same.

Abel studied the surface of the water. He smiled, and the image smiled. He laughed out loud, and saw the other imitating him.

As they walked away, Cain thought:

“How aggressive those creatures are who live in there.”

And Abel told himself:

“I’d like to return, for I met someone both handsome and in good humor.”

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Otro reflejo, otra historia

Author: Paulo Coelho

Illustration by Ken Crane

Caí­n y Abel se detuvieron a la orilla del inmenso lago. Jamás habí­an visto nada semejante.

“Allí­ dentro hay alguien”, dijo Abel, contemplando el agua, sin saber que veí­a su propio reflejo.

Caí­n comprobó lo mismo, y levantó su bastón. La imagen hizo lo mismo. Caí­n se quedó esperando el golpe, su imagen también.

Abel contemplaba la superficie del agua. Sonrió, y la imagen sonrió. Dio una buena carcajada, y vio que el otro lo imitaba.

Cuando salieron de allí­, Caí­n pensaba:
“¡Qué agresivos son los seres que viven en aquel lugar!”

Y Abel reflexionaba:
“Quiero volver allí­, porque encontré a alguien de rostro agradable y con buen humor”.

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