Paulo Coelho

Stories & Reflections

Renouncing or working hard

Author: Paulo Coelho

On one hand we know that it is important to seek God. On the other hand, life distances us from Him – because we feel ignored by the Divine, or else because we are busy with our daily life.

This makes us feel very guilty: either we feel that we are renouncing life too much because of God, or else we feel that we are renouncing God too much because of life.
This apparent double law is a fantasy: God is in life, and life is in God.

If we manage to penetrate the sacred harmony of our daily existence, we shall always be on the right road, because our daily tasks are also our divine tasks.

Relax. When we start our spiritual journey, we want so very hard to speak to God-and we end up not hearing what He has to tell us

That is why it is always advisable to relax a little. It is not easy: we have the natural tendency always to do the right thing, and we feel that we are going to improve our spirit is we work at it non-stop.

Relax, I insist. If you want some things to happen, step aside

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