Paulo Coelho

Stories & Reflections

Fear of failure

Author: Paulo Coelho

Master Achaan Chah was given a fine piece of land so that he might build a monastery. Chah had to go away for a time and left his disciples in charge of the building work.

When he returned – five months later – nothing had been done. The disciples had already ordered several plans from local architects.

One of them asked Chah:

– Which of the projects should we go ahead with? How should we go about taking the right decision?

Chah answered:

– When one desires that which is good, the results are always good.

Free of the fear to make mistakes, the decision was taken and the result was magnificent.

Face your path with courage, do not be afraid of other people’s criticism. And – above all – don’t allow yourself to be paralyzed by self-criticism.

God is the God of the brave.

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