Stories & Reflections
Whew, my eyes are tired! I’ve been editing photos from recent sessions like a mad woman (thank you to all my patient clients) and I’ve also been able to finish two books this month! That’s a record since having my son last year. :) The first was The Witch of Portobello by my favorite author, Paulo Coelho. Another amazing novel. The second is Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows…truely excellent! I had to avoid the newspaper for almost a week because it kept featuring people’s opinions on the story and almost avoid society at large due to the crazy number of people who tried to tell me what happens at the end! If you’ve read the book, PLEASE don’t spill the beans…nobody will appreciate it, trust me.
I thought I’d share a few photos of a BEAUTIFUL little newborn named Chase.
Please visit Jessica’s blog : My Life, My Work to see Chase’s and other fine pictures taken by Jessica.