Paulo Coelho

Stories & Reflections

Big Brother is watching you … but do you care?

Author: Paulo Coelho

Today in Digg, found this interesting article of the Times Online by Kevin Dowling

CCTV boom has not cut crime, says police chief

Photo by Ben Gurr

Billions of pounds spent on Britain’s 4.2 million closed-circuit television cameras has not had a significant impact on crime, according to the senior police officer piloting a new database.

Detective Chief Inspector Mick Neville said it was a “fiasco” that only 3 per cent of street robberies in London were solved using CCTV.

Mr Neville, who heads the Visual Images, Identifications and Detections Office (Viido) unit, told the Security Document World Conference that the use of CCTV images as evidence in court has been very poor.


Britain has more CCTV cameras than any other country in Europe. But Mr Neville is reported in The Guardian as saying that more training was needed for officers who often avoided trawling through CCTV images “because it’s hard work”.


To read the whole article – please go here.

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