Paulo Coelho

Stories & Reflections

Post-War New World Map, 1942

Author: Paulo Coelho

Today in Digg, I found an interesting world map based in Roosevelt’s message to the 77th Congress on the state of the Union made on the 31st of march 1942. As you will see this map quarantines Germany, Japan and Italy – known as the countries of the Axis – and we see future enemies – US and URSS – together in this battle. I thought this was an interesting piece to share here with you : a look from the past towards the future.

World at 1942

Here’s an excerpt from the caption of this map:
“Outline of Post-War New World map as the USA, with the cooperation of the Democracies of Latin America, the British Commonwealth of Nations and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, assumes World Leadership for the establishment of a New World Moral Order for permanent Peace, Freedom, Justice, Security and World Reconstruction.”

To see the bigger map, click here.

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