Paulo Coelho

Stories & Reflections

Today’s Question by Aart Hilal

Author: Paulo Coelho

Please share us your daily life such as your writing style, your current thing of interest, and how do you spend your day.

I travel constantly so days are never the same. Nevertheless I do have some “rituals”: when I wake up I like having my breakfast and then going out for a walk. Walking for me is vital and the one things that I can’t live without.

I agree with the teachings of the Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh, who said that: “when you walk, you are massaging and honouring the earth. In the same way, the earth is trying to help you to balance your organism and mind. Understand this relationship and try to respect it – may your steps have the firmness of a lion, the elegance of a tiger and the dignity of an emperor.”

Normally in the afternoons I spend hours navigating the web: I consult my blog (, my myspace ( ) I read newspapers from the world, I write my stories. I also quite often give interviews. At 6 pm on the dot, I pray since for me this is the magical hour of the day. After that, I like having diner with my wife & friends. Before going to bed, I read.

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