Paulo Coelho

Stories & Reflections

Today’s Question by Joí£o

Author: Paulo Coelho

Who is Paulo Coelho, The Warrior of the Light? To those who want to follow your steps, what advice would you give them?

In my wonderings I came to believe that a person has a personal legend to fulfil. What is a personal legend? It is the reason why we are alive. In my case this legend was to share my ideas with others through writing.

We have dreams, that are not necessarily the dreams that our parents or society had for us. So, we must get rid of the idea of fulfilling what people expect us to do, and start to do what we expect from our lives. Dare to be different. You are unique, and you have to accept you as you are, instead of trying to repeat other people’s destinies or patterns. Insanity is to behave like someone that you are not. Normality is the capacity to express your feelings. From the moment that you don’t fear to share your heart, you are a free person.

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