Stories & Reflections
Good morning everyone, on Sunday I couln’t wait any longer to move on and following a night in Burgos, I’m now in Castrojeriz. Yesterday presented me with a walk through a somewhat rawer countryside. In the mornings it’s quite cold and the breeze on the plateau makes it feel more so. However when the sun reaches it’s zenith, in the afternoon it becomes quite hot in protected gulley’s which present themselves now and again. I am alone now as my personal cook and her 2 plate washers have moved on to Leon by train as they are a tight schedule. Pensionists in stress…;)
Perhaps I’ll move on on to Fromista today, a much shorter walk (25km)than yesterday (41km). My ankle is not good and I may need to give it regular pauses to allow it heal properly, but this will perhaps prevent me from reaching Santiago on the 13th of May ;( we’ll see.
As always, thank you all for following my path, and thank you for understanding that I am trying to concentrate on it, which prevents me from returning comments to everyone personally, but I appreciate all of them.
Love, Paul
Dear Maite & Mamen,
What a wonderful surprise to read your comments. We had fun for a while on the Camino, and it was my pleasure to meet you both. Language is not a barrier when we feel what we are trying to communicate. I enjoyed walking with you and thank you for showing me the sights of Pamplona. God bless you both, now in your Basque hometown. Love, Paul