Paulo Coelho

Stories & Reflections

Thank you 300.000 friends

Author: Paulo Coelho


This Sunday 07/Mar/2010 I am over 300.000 friends in Twitter. As I received some copies of my anthology Inspirations: Selections from Classic Literature, to be released tomorrow in UK, I am going to sign an mail a copy to the first person who answers the five questions below.

Talking to Gui Brockington, who developed my iPhone app , currently in the opening page of iTunes (they loved it) , he decided to offer a code to the second person who gives all the correct answers. This person can use this code to download the app for free, or – if she/he does not have an iPhone – to give as a gift to someone else.

1] What is your twitter username? (when answering the next questions, also answer this one so I can contact you by DM if you are the winner)

2] Name of the main feminine character in “By the river Piedra I sat down and wept”

3] City in Andalusia where the shepperd boy meets the King of Salem in “The Alchemist”

4] Country where the main character of “The Zahir” travels at the end of the book to meet his wife

5] Name of my guide in the Road to Santiago (“The Pilgrimage”)

Use the comments below to post your answers. I will moderate only the first and second winners.

UPDATE: @funkymad was the first, but she could not post it there, answered in Twitter. She got the book. I only approved the second (iPhone app) for you to see the correct answers

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