Paulo Coelho

Stories & Reflections

1.000.000 Friends in Facebook

Author: Paulo Coelho

23 May 2010 3:08 GMT +1

UPDATE 9:20 PM Returning from a long walk, I opened the mailbox and all the 50 books in the four languages were gone in the first 1/2 hr. Thank you very much for your friendship and participation

UPDATE 11:31 PM: all people who got one of the 50 books (English, Espanol, Portugues, Franí§ais ) will receive an email this Monday, 24/05

Now that I have reached over 1,000,000 friends on Facebook, and as per the suggestion of the large majority, we will send one of my books to each of the 50 selected institutions. The following publishing houses have kindly offered to take part: Gold Editora (Portugues) , Harper Collins UK (English) , Grijalbo (Espanol) , J’ai Lu (France)
They will send one of my books to the first 50 emails requesting it in its respective language.

My Facebook friend must indicate a library or an institution where people need books but don’t have money to afford to buy them.

To take part please follow the rules below:

a] Send an email to [email protected]

b] Subject: put the language you want the book ( ex. Subj: Portugues)

c] Message: name of the institution/library that you want the book to be delivered to

d] send the email

I am going to forward the email to the selected publishing house, so please only write the language and the name of the institution you want the book to be sent.

The first 50 friends in each one of these languages (Portugues, English, Espanol, Franí§ais) will be notified, and must check with the institution when the book arrives. As soon as this happens, please send an email to the above address.

Thank you very much for your support, for your ideas, for your friendship


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