Stories & Reflections
by Priya Sher
When there is harmony in the home there is order in the nation, when there is order in the nation there is peace in the world.’ Chinese Proverb
Feng shui originated over 6000 years ago in China. It focuses on harnessing the energy in a property by optimizing its flow and ensuring the five elements (water, fire, earth, metal and wood) are balanced.
Each part of a property represents a particular family member or area of life, so the theory is that if energy in that space isn’t balanced, it will have an effect on the person or subject concerned.
Literally translated feng shui means ‘wind water’. Its principles maintain that we live in harmony with our environment.
Its aim is to achieve balance in our living space and maximize our potential for success for every area in our life.
Feng shui takes many years of specialized training to practice. By combining the knowledge of both the form and compass orientation of a space, the feng shui analysis can explain how the property in which you are living or working in affects your behavior, mental clarity and health.
The ‘art of placement’ is a very important aspect of feng shui. How a property sits in its environment is crucial. A building should have high ground behind it to hold the energy and support us, a clear view in front to give us an open vision and bright future, and balanced support on its left and right side to offer its occupants a balance of yin/female and yang/male energy resulting in stability.