Paulo Coelho

Stories & Reflections

Revolutionary and rebel

Author: Paulo Coelho




Khalil Gibran had said that twenty centuries ago, men loved the weakness in Jesus and did not understand his power.

Jesus did not live as a coward and did not die complaining and suffering. He lived as a revolutionary and was crucified as a rebel.

“He was not a bird with broken wings, but a violent storm.”
“He was not a victim of his persecutors and had not suffered at the hands of his executioners – he was free before all.”
“He came to awaken a new and strong soul, which made every heart a temple, an altar, and every human being a priest.”

Looking carefully at his life, we see that, although he knew that his passion was inevitable, he tried to give us a sense of joy in every gesture.

He must have thought long and hard before deciding what his first miracle should be.

He must have considered the healing of a paralyzed man, the resurrection of the dead, the expulsion of a demon, something that his contemporaries would have considered as “noble”. After all, it would be the first time to show the world that he had come as the Son of God.

And it is written: his first miracle was turning water into wine – for a wedding party.

May the wisdom of this gesture inspire us, and be always present in our souls: the spiritual quest is compassion, enthusiasm and joy too.

Translated by Priya Sher

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