Paulo Coelho

Stories & Reflections

Pres. Obama quotes “The Valkyries”

Author: Paulo Coelho

“Our two nations faced many challenges. On the road ahead, we will certainly encounter many obstacles but in the end, it is our history that gives us hope for a better democracy.
It is the knowledge that the men and women who came before us have triumphed over greater trials than these – That we live in places where ordinary people have done extraordinary things –
It is that sense of possibility , that sense of optimism that first drew pioneers to this New World.
It is what binds our nations together as partners in this new century.
We believe in the words of Paulo Coelho, one of your most famous writers :
– With the strength or our love and our will we can change our destiny as well as the destiny of many others –
Muito obrigado and may God bless our two nations.
Thank you very much.”

The German version (Schutzengel) is currently in all best seller lists in Austria, Germany, Switzerland

Comunidad Las Valkirias en espanol: Es hora de elegir

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