Paulo Coelho

Stories & Reflections

ALEPH (the contest)

Author: Paulo Coelho

Be welcome to participate. Read the rules here: ALEPH, THE VIDEO CONTEST
The deadline for presenting the video is July 1, 2011. The winners will be announced on July 25, 2011.
Remember: you don’t need to buy or read the book – that it is published only in five countries so far
Important: ALEPH by Flavio Waiterman is not in the competition
but you can use as an example.

Below you find some interesting entries.
Looking forward to hearing from you

(ALEPH updated publication dates > CLICK HERE)

ALEPH by Richard Kirov & Luba MIladinova

ALEPH by Fussel

ALEPH by Kantar,Turgut and Erkus

ALEPH by Lalou

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