Paulo Coelho

Stories & Reflections

10 SEC READING: loving without fear

Author: Paulo Coelho

EM PORTUGUES AQUI > Amando sem medo
EN ESPANOL CLICAR AQUI > Con todas tus fuerzas

A pilgrim arrived at the village where Abu Yazid al-Bistrami lived.

– Teach me the quickest way to reach God.

Al-Bistrami answered:

– Love Him with all your strength.

– That I already do.

– Then you need to be loved by the others.

– But why?

– Because God looks at the hearts of all men. When He visits yours He will surely see the love you have for Him and He will be happy.

“However, if He also finds your name written with affection in the hearts of others, He will understand that you are faithful to your friends.
And His joy will be immense, because God treasures loyalty and love above all virtues.”

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