Paulo Coelho

Stories & Reflections

Colors of belts

Author: Paulo Coelho

Wang Tsing, who is a professor of Tai Chi Chuan, now lives in Argentina, after having spent almost a decade in Sí£o Paulo.

At the age of 82, he still teaches his pupils that inner harmony is fundamental for outer happiness.

One of his disciples told me that once he wanted to know from Wang Tsing why Tai Chi does not use the system of colored belts that other martial arts use (to indicate the grade of apprenticeship).

“If you have money, you don’t carry it in your hands, you carry it in your pockets,” answered Wang.

“If you have lots of money, you don’t stuff your pockets with it, you keep it in the bank. What is the sense of walking around wearing a big belt that everyone can see, revealing all that you know?”

“A good warrior knows that strategy is far more important than vanity.”

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