Paulo Coelho

Stories & Reflections

15 sec reading: does the master suffer with bad disciples?

Author: Paulo Coelho

A disciple asked Firoz:

– The mere presence of a master causes all sorts of curious people to gather round, to discover something beneficial. Can’t this be a hindrance and negative? Can’t this divert the master from his path, or cause him to suffer because he could not teach that which he wished?

Firoz, the Sufi master, replied:

– The sight of an avocado tree laden with fruit whets the appetite of all those who pass by. If someone wishes to satisfy his hunger beyond his needs, he will eat more avocados than necessary, and will be sick. However, this causes no indigestion to the man who owns the avocado tree.

"It is the same with our Search. The path must be open to all; but it is for God to set the limits of each individual."

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