Paulo Coelho

Stories & Reflections

Explaining God – Beginning at the beginning

Author: Paulo Coelho

It’s no use asking for explanations about God. You might hear lovely words, but deep down they are all empty phrases. Just as you can read a whole encyclopedia about love and not know what it is to love.

No-one is ever going to manage to prove that God exists, or that he doesn’t exist. Certain things in life were made to be experienced, but never explained.

One of these things is love. God – who is love – is another. Faith is a childish experience, in that magical sense that Jesus taught us: “The Kingdom of Heaven belongs to the children.”
The Arabian story that follows speaks of how innocent the search is:

Beginning at the beginning

A man asked al-Husayn:

– What do I have to do to be closer to God?

– Tell Him a secret. And don’t let anyone in the world know what the secret is. In that way a bond of trust will be established with the Divine.

But the man went on:

– Only that will help me get closer?

– Establish a firm relation at the start of your spiritual journey. Pray. It’s also important to have will power. And if it’s possible to enjoy a little solitude, all the better.

– But how do I reach the ideal stage of communicating with Him?

– I have already explained all that you need – said al-Husayn. – But you want to reach the end before you even begin, and that is just not possible.

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