Paulo Coelho

Stories & Reflections

20 SEC READING: The older sister’s question

Author: Paulo Coelho

When her brother was born, Sa-chi Gabriel begged her parents to leave her alone with the baby.
They refused, fearing that, as with many four-year-olds, she was jealous and wanted to mistreat him.
But Sa-chi showed no signs of jealousy.
And since she was always extremely affectionate towards her little brother, her parents decided to carry out an experiment.

They left Sa-chi alone with their new-born baby, but kept the bedroom door ajar so that they could watch what she did.
Delighted to have her wish granted, little Sa-chi tiptoed over to the cradle, leaned over the baby and said:
“Little brother, tell me what God is like. I’m beginning to forget.”

Illustration by Ken Crane


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