Paulo Coelho

Stories & Reflections

Today’s Question by Aart Hilal

Author: Paulo Coelho

You are so famous and well known that you have many agents, who directs your logistics. Do they have any influence on your work, on contents of novels? In which field of your work you let them influence on you? Are you the one who determines the title of the novel? Is the lawfulness of market that, what limits you by an volume of your work, rhythm of publishing?

I have only one agent: Monica Antunes. We have had a profound bound for over 20 years and we grew together, we walked along the path. She has been my ally & my friend. I don’t know where I would be today without her support and dedication.
She helps me when it comes to dealing with the publishing houses but has no say in the creative process. This, of course, includes the title of my books.
I maintain my independence regarding, as you say, ‘ the laws of the market’. I can’t think of this when I’m confronted with the necessity of writing. I first and foremost write for myself.
Once the book is brought to life, it’s normal that I turn myself towards others in order to present it to the world: my agent, the publishing houses, the booksellers. This chain brings me to the hands of my readers: the harbor that welcomes my dreams and questionings.

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