Paulo Coelho

Stories & Reflections

Who is the most powerful master

Author: Paulo Coelho

One of Yu’s disciples was talking to a disciple of Rinzai:

– My master is a man capable of doing miracles, that is why he is respected by all his pupils. I have seen him do things far beyond our capabilities. And your master? What great miracles can he do?

– My master’s greatest miracle is that he doesn’t need to display any great wonder, in order to show his pupils that he is a wise man – was the reply.


Another name

A man said to a friend:

‘You talk about God as if you knew him personally, down to the colour of his eyes. Why do you need to create something to believe in? Can’t you live without that?’
His friend replied:

Do you have any idea how the Universe was created? Can you explain the miracle of life?’


‘Everything around us is the result of chance. Things just happen.’
‘Exactly. Well, “Things just happen” is merely another name for God.’


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