Paulo Coelho

Stories & Reflections

5.000.000 in Facebook: prayer + contest

Author: Paulo Coelho

April 3, 2011 at 2:18 PM
TEXTO EN ESPANOL: 5.000.000 en Facebook: oración + concurso


============ THE PRAYER ============

‘Earlier last week when I asked for your suggestions on how we should celebrate reaching 5.000.000 friends on Facebook, the vast majority of you suggested we should say a prayer at a particular time.
Therefore, on Wednesday, April 6, at 6:00 PM (always your local time) I encourage you to say a prayer.
In my prayer, I will ask:
A] For myself. May God guide me and inspire me for the years to come.
B] For my family and friends on Facebook. May God allow all of them to follow their call, their Personal Legend.
C] For my work. May I always be an instrument of the Light.

As we are in different time zones, I strongly believe that the Planet will be filled with light and prayers during 24 hr.
If you don’t feel confortable with praying, a random act of kindness during the day will certainly be very helpful to this humankind

=============WORKING TOGETHER… ============

…it was the second most suggested idea, besides a great meeting (which is impossible, due to logistics. Can you imagine if 100k decide to attend? We would never have permission from the authorities without a lot of guarantees, from security to emergency).

Working together is not easy: a writer must bear full responsibility for his work. However, I found a way for a collaborative project, using a book that is not yet published all over the world to implement it (ALEPH is only in Portuguese and Turkish, with other editions being launched later this year )
Meaning: you DON’T have to buy the book to participate.
The contest is open to friends in all my three communities ( Facebook, Twitter and blog)

The Aleph, a point that condenses space and time. Jorge Luis Borges describes it: The Aleph was about two to three centimetres in diameter, but all of cosmic space was there, with no diminution in size. Each thing was infinite, because I could clearly see it from every point on the universe.

This is what I experienced in my Trans Siberian trip: love is time and space in a single point, the Aleph, in continuous change.
You can use your imagination at your will. Cartoons, photos, film, etc. As the book is not yet published in many countries, you have to speculate in the magical universe.
Duration: from 2 min 30 sec to 3 min
The structure:
1] your vision on what Aleph means. Please don’t use words, as this video is intended to be for an international audience, with different languages, except
2] at the end , 15 sec where ALEPH / Paulo Coelho appears, followed by
3] 10 sec with your name and the link you want to use to promote your work.
1] I will select, with my team, six videos
The video selected as # 1 will receive USD 4.000 + one 1 HP Pavilion computer p6780t series
# 2 will receive USD 3.000 + one 1 HP Pavilion computer p6780t series
# 3, #4, # 5 and # 6 will receive USD 1.000 + one 1 HP Pavilion computer p6780t series
2] I wil post them on all my social communities. Besides the 5.000.000 friends in Facebook, at the time of writing this I have 1,4 million in Twitter and over 2 million monthly visitors in my blog – which means over 8.300.000 friends online.
This will give to the winner, besides the prize, also a lot of visibility for his/her work
Any friend from any of the three communities mentioned above can participate.
4] The deadline for presenting the video is July 1, 2011. The winners will be announced on July 25, 2011.
5] If there is no winner (meaning, I did not like any of the submitted videos) the USD 11.000 will be donated to Instituto Paulo Coelho
6] You must upload he link to the videos in YouTube, and then sent it to [email protected] You may upload the video at your earliest convenience.
7] The title of the video on YouTube must be ALEPH by (your name here)
8] You are fully responsible for the material you will use. I mean, if you use copyrighted material, you have to ask permission
9] If it moves beyond Youtube (TV ads, etc), the publishing house using the video will eventually pay you an extra fee.
10] Only videos with the structure mentioned above will be accepted
11] by participating in the contest, you agree with all the conditions mentioned in this post
12] You can participate with as many videos as you want

Some useful links:
My transiberian trip (This material is my copyright, and you may use it if you wish)
Aleph (Category in this blog)
O Aleph (Categoria neste blog)
You can google the word, and there are several images and references to this point that contains the eternity in itself.

If you have any doubts, please use “Comments” below

Paulo Coelho

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